They say time is money: What does an hour mean to you? For some it means $8, or $12. For others, it means a crocheted baby hat. Some people will try to save an hour at any cost. The hour Andy Tucker saved my husband may well be paying for the rest of his life. I mentioned in brief before about the sprayer boom getting dropped on Jerek.The time it would have taken to get the flatbed was more than his supervisor thought he could spare, so he decided that it would work just as well and just as safely to try to tack the thing up on the side of the tender truck. It fell off onto Jerek, at which time they stood there an looked at him for a minute, as though expecting him to flip it back up onto the truck all by himself. Finally they got it off him, then they made him help lift it off the ground and put it back up. Later on, in transit with it the thing fell off again, and he had to help Andy lift it clear off the ground by hand. They knew he was in pain, he told them repeatedly...